Enrollment is now open for this "condensed" version of the entire yearlong course.

(This shortened version is only available 1 x a year.)

Tresa Laferty, CAP

I'm Tresa Laferty, a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner (CAP.) I'll be your guide through the 10-week journey. We will explore the foundational lifestyle habits of Ayurveda along with HOW we shift our current habits into these. I pride myself in creating a safe, open environment where you can be yourself and evolve into a better version of that. I hope you'll join my inner circle of support by investing in yourself and your wellbeing.

Are you the kind of person who...

  • always asks yourself "what should I be eating?"
  • always overextends yourself?
  • doesn't have a systematic plan?
  • struggles with motivation?
  • is carrying extra pounds that you can't seem to get rid of?
  • are feeling overwhelmed at where to start on your wellness journey?

Who is this course for?

Women seeking:

Clarity on a healthy, sustainable diet

An optimal body weight

Inspiration to take charge of their life

Finding purpose and making a difference

Solid self-care habits

Excitement about where life is taking you next

A deeper connection to Earthly rhythms

What's your biggest health challenge?

What would life look like without it?

Who do you want to become next?

How do you get there?

Schedule a free 1:1 30-minute session and let's talk about it.

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Elementally You Community

A program that helps you become YOU again.

Change your habits, change your life.

Aligned daily actions point you toward your next self.

Are things going well? Are you ready for a change?

Imagine a life where ...

  • No matter what is going on in your life, you have solid lifestyle habits and tools that keep you balanced and at ease.
  • You have core strengths to lean on for the rest of your life.
  • You experience a night of deep, restful sleep, balanced digestion, and a calm, clear mind.
  • You have a vibrant body of optimal weight.
  • Using the Ayurvedic principles of Food as Medicine is a daily tool for bringing health and vitality.
  • You align your actions with the natural rhythms of the planet, feeling one with Mother Nature.

Specialized Teachings

Plant-Based Eating

Create a love affair with your food and with eating. Plant-based eating focuses on consuming high vibrational, locally grown foods. Your recipe books will be filled with inspirational and easy-to-make dishes the whole family will love.

Grounded & Peaceful

Improve your mindset through mindfulness practices. Using the 5 element theory from Ayurveda, I will help you find balance in your mind, surroundings, and spiritual practices.

Optimal Weight

You will be learning, practicing, and mastering the 10 most powerful lifestyle habits of Ayurveda. This guides you to honor and love your sacred anatomy, inspiring you to make better choices out of love.

Live sessions and 1:1 opportunities for support

♥︎ Weekly emails and audio lessons on the 10 habits and deep self-care

♥︎ Weekly Group Coaching Calls with me & the group (Every Wednesday from 6:15 - 7:30 pm)

♥︎ Monthly 1:1 Coaching sessions with me

♥︎ Ongoing Community Support: Private online forum


When does this course start and finish?

This course is a 10-week journey. The first class is on Wednesday, November 15th, 2023. The last class is on January 17th, 2024.

How long do I have access to the material?

You'll have access to the course content for 2 months after the last class.

What if I miss a live session?

All live sessions are recorded and uploaded to the class hub for viewing.

What if I'm not ready to join this course?

This slimmed-down version of the full course is only offered once a year. The full yearlong course begins in March 2024.

Are their payment plans available?

This course has a 2 payment option. This is for a slightly higher fee to cover processing costs. (If you are financially stressed, ask about other payment options or the scholarship program.)

What if I am unhappy with the course?

We will work together to ensure you are a good fit for the course before you begin. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me within the first 10 days and we will discuss refund options.